CodeSee Case Study

Impactful resource savings using CodeSee for code review.

How Distribute Aid uses CodeSee to make the most out of each minute in code review.

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For humanitarian aid organization, Distribute Aid, every minute in the development lifecycle matters. In fact, they’ve estimated each hour of their team members amounts to about $600 in humanitarian aid delivered. They were spending upward of 20 hours per month in code review—time that could otherwise be focused on more impactful development progress.


CodeSee made it possible for Distribute Aid to revamp its code review process. Maps allowed their devs to provide the code context needed for their global volunteer open source team to efficiently conduct reviews—they’ve entirely replaced their use of Github tooling with CodeSee. Now, they begin code review by looking at CodeSee as a team, using the visualized dependency relationships and Tours to provide context and guide review order.


In Q1 2022, using CodeSee saved the Distribute Aid development team on average 10 hours per month in code review, amounting to an estimated $19,500 per quarter in aid delivered.

50% less
time in code review
30 hours
saved per quarter in code review
in aid delivered

“CodeSee allows Distribute Aid to implement relay-style code handoffs. Everyone is up to date, and we can maintain our momentum without burning out our volunteers.”

Testimonial person photo

Taylor Fairbank

Co-Founder, Distribute Aid

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