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Exclusive Code Visibility offer for DevNexus 2023 Attendees

Get a 20% off introductory rate on CodeSee Business
(default terms) for up to a year.

You'll be prompted to create a CodeSee account (or log into your existing account). For existing accounts that are eligible, you'll have the option of upgrading.

How does CodeSee work?

CodeSee is a code visualization platform that helps  to understand, review, onboard and refactor applications without guesswork. You can think about it as a GPS for your codebase.

CodeSee helps you by visualizing multiple layers of your code to understand and write code better. you can utilize those visuals to complete your code reviews. Finally as your startup grows, you can automate your knowledge across your team. Startups who install CodeSee from day 1 can shorten their development time by 50%.

See it in action:
Watch 2-min demo
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Leaders and developers like you, use CodeSee everyday.

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“We’re a globally distributed team relying on highly collaborative dev techniques. CodeSee has helped Distribute Aid devs collaborate and stay in sync no matter their location or time.”


Co-Founder, Distribute Aid

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“CodeSee gives me more visibility into what code is responsible for what parts of the product.”

Picture of Ryan Abrams from Stripe

Ryan Abrams

Sr. Engineer, Stripe

p.volve logo

“I am able to visually see the changes in a pull request and begin to create a phased solution for staggering deployments. CodeSee now provides my primary method to identify differences in the code and where to make changes.”

Amy Meyers, p.volve

Amy Meyers

Sr. Software Engineer, p.volve

Join thousands of developers across the globe who trust CodeSee.
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CodeSee supports C#, Go, Java, Javascript, Rust, Python, Typescript, Blazor, VB.NET and ASP.NET codebases hosted on GitHub.
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Move fast confidently with insight into your services, datastores and the connections between them.

Auto-syncing Codebase Maps
Interactive Code Tours
Code Automation
Automated Service Discovery