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Code Refactoring
Code Refactoring: 6 Techniques and 5 Critical Best Practices
Code refactoring is the process of improving the internal structure, readability, and maintainability of a software codebase without altering its external behavior or functionality.
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Distributed Tracing
Distributed Tracing Tools: Top 4 Tools and How to Choose
Distributed tracing tools are software applications or platforms designed to monitor, visualize, and analyze the performance of distributed systems, such as microservices or service-oriented architectures.
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Distributed Tracing
Distributed Tracing: The Abridged Guide
Distributed tracing is a monitoring and observability technique used to analyze and troubleshoot distributed systems, microservices, and applications.
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Application Mapping
Application Mapping: Benefits, Challenges, and Technologies
Application mapping is the process of creating a visual representation or diagram of the various components and dependencies of an application.
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Distributed Tracing
Datadog Distributed Tracing: Solution Overview and 3 Key Features
Datadog Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is a powerful tool that enables distributed tracing for modern applications that provides end-to-end visibility into system performance.
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Distributed Tracing
OpenTelemetry Architecture Explained
OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework used to collect, process, and export telemetry data from distributed systems.
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Distributed Tracing
OpenTelemetry: Benefits, Architecture, and Best Practices
OpenTelemetry is an observability framework that emerged from the merging of Google-sponsored OpenCensus and CNCF-sponsored OpenTracing projects.
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Code Review
Code Comments Best Practices
If you are writing code without thinking about how it can be read by the rest of your team and the dozens of potential developers who will work on the same code for years to come, you are leaving your team in jeopardy.‍This is where code comments come in.
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Application Mapping
What Is Application Dependency Mapping (ADM)?
Application dependency mapping (ADM) is the process of identifying and documenting the relationships between various components of an application and their dependencies.
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Application Mapping
What Is Software Mapping, 4 Types of Dependencies and How to Manage Them
A software map is a visual representation of the structure and relationships between different components or modules of a software system.
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